This morning dawned bright and sunny but a little chilly by Spanish standards. Mind you, that means the temperature was about what would be described as “lovely” at the height of a British summer.
We went to our local Intermarche supermarket to get a few bits and pieces and then enjoyed a coffee con leche each. The bakery café featured an intriguing display of special pastries and biscuits that are mainly seen at Christmas time. Key ingredients are angel-hair sugar, which is made from pumpkins, almonds, olive oil and wine. We chose suspiros de coc, which are coconut macaroons, borrachelos scattered with white sugar and angel-hair sugar inside, and murcianitos, which were little pastries filled with more angel-hair. They were delicious, although, not surprisingly, very sweet.
A regular leaned against the counter and ordered his 11am pick-me-up. This consisted of a glass into which a layer of condensed milk was poured, on top of this went a double shot of black coffee, then a healthy free-hand pour of brandy, then an equally generous pour of Bailey’s, then a topping of frothy cappuccino milk with a scattering of cinnamon. A packet of sugar was added and everything stirred together. The man who was enjoying this treat highly recommended it when we spoke to him as an essential and healthy restorative.
If you are suffering from the winter mid-morning blahs, then a couple of these should set you up for the rest of the day. Or, at least, keep you going until your first glass of wine with lunch.
©Phillip Bruce 2009