The aloe vera plant seems to have miraculous properties, if the claims made by enthusiasts and the amount of products such as cosmetics and healing creams and potions on sale today are anything to go by.
Sharon is very pleased that one of the aloe vera plants in her huerta, or garden, has burst into flower. This plant was a gift from ace gardener, Derek, who lives nearby in the Campo.
When faced with rashes or other skin problems the simplest thing to do is to chop the end off a thick aloe vera leaf and use the gel inside directly. That is real natural healing.
The ancients knew all about the aloe family of plants, with the Egyptians using them in embalming mummies. The aloe is a bitter plant and this was commented on by the Roman satiric poet Juvenal, who lived a little after the time of Christ. He commented “Plus aloes quam mellis habet.” Classics scholars, such as Alex, will explain this was a reference to a person who had in him more bitters than sweets. There is a small island called Socotra in the Gulf of Aden and in ancient times this was thought to be the only source in the world of aloes. Aristotle tried hard to persuade Alexander the Great to conquer it. Another source says the plant originated in Africa. It is thought to have been introduced into Europe in the 10th century.
However, Aloe vera grows wild in the countryside around Cartagena and the reference to Africa is interesting. Geologically, the rocky hills of the area, such as the Sierra Minera, are actually a part of Africa which broke off when the land that is now the north and south coasts of the Mediterranean fractured and drifted apart. Many plants in the Cartagena area are found nowhere else in Europe and are native to Africa.
The French have a saying: “La côte d´Adam contient plus d´aloè que de miel.” This observes that the tongue of a woman or wife contains more bitters than honey. “Bitter aloes” is a strong purgative that fights constipation.
However, the plant has many milder uses and it has exceptional healing quantities, say its enthusiasts. It features anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agents, long chain polysaccharides to boost the immune system, minerals, the antioxidant vitamins, C, E, B12, and beta-carotene. A woody substance called lignin aids the penetration of the skin and tissues.
Aloe vera can be found in a huge range of cosmetic products. The name means “true vera.” There are some 300 different species of aloes but only a few have medicinal properties, aloe vera being most powerful.
Sharon says: “Apart from all that it has the most beautiful flower on it so that it actually looks nice as well.”
©Phillip Bruce
Sharon is very pleased that one of the aloe vera plants in her huerta, or garden, has burst into flower. This plant was a gift from ace gardener, Derek, who lives nearby in the Campo.
When faced with rashes or other skin problems the simplest thing to do is to chop the end off a thick aloe vera leaf and use the gel inside directly. That is real natural healing.
The ancients knew all about the aloe family of plants, with the Egyptians using them in embalming mummies. The aloe is a bitter plant and this was commented on by the Roman satiric poet Juvenal, who lived a little after the time of Christ. He commented “Plus aloes quam mellis habet.” Classics scholars, such as Alex, will explain this was a reference to a person who had in him more bitters than sweets. There is a small island called Socotra in the Gulf of Aden and in ancient times this was thought to be the only source in the world of aloes. Aristotle tried hard to persuade Alexander the Great to conquer it. Another source says the plant originated in Africa. It is thought to have been introduced into Europe in the 10th century.
However, Aloe vera grows wild in the countryside around Cartagena and the reference to Africa is interesting. Geologically, the rocky hills of the area, such as the Sierra Minera, are actually a part of Africa which broke off when the land that is now the north and south coasts of the Mediterranean fractured and drifted apart. Many plants in the Cartagena area are found nowhere else in Europe and are native to Africa.
The French have a saying: “La côte d´Adam contient plus d´aloè que de miel.” This observes that the tongue of a woman or wife contains more bitters than honey. “Bitter aloes” is a strong purgative that fights constipation.
However, the plant has many milder uses and it has exceptional healing quantities, say its enthusiasts. It features anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agents, long chain polysaccharides to boost the immune system, minerals, the antioxidant vitamins, C, E, B12, and beta-carotene. A woody substance called lignin aids the penetration of the skin and tissues.
Aloe vera can be found in a huge range of cosmetic products. The name means “true vera.” There are some 300 different species of aloes but only a few have medicinal properties, aloe vera being most powerful.
Sharon says: “Apart from all that it has the most beautiful flower on it so that it actually looks nice as well.”
©Phillip Bruce
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