After taking our golden Labrador Sam to the vet this morning for routine jabs we called in at a local café for some tapas.
We enjoyed seafood salad, boquerones (slightly pickled anchovies), tender York ham and a Murcian salad made with sliced onion, tinned tomatoes, tuna and quarters of boiled egg. With lots of fresh crusty bread, olives and frothy café con leche as well, of course.
On the counter was a special treat, all ready to be cut up. This was a big octopus measuring about two feet across and nicely roasted and brown. This is known in Spanish as “pulpo” and is greatly appreciated. When you order, the waiter takes a big pair of scissors and cuts off a piece of leg which he then further cuts into thin slices, each with suckers attached.
©Phillip Bruce 2009
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