This weekend we are all enjoying our village fiesta. There are flags flying and fun is on the programme.
When we hear another jingling of bells going past our house we know that a couple of horses, perhaps pulling a carriage full of happy people are heading down to the festivities.
As members of the neighbours´ association, which organises everything, we have our fat program, packed with times and activities and adverts for local tradesmen and shops. This fiesta really is local.
On Friday a big dance took place in the village hall, with announcements of the winners of the titles: Villager of the Year; village pensioner of the year; pilgrims of the year, both adult and children; helper of the year; and best couple. The cooks at the event took part in a competition to see who could rustle up the best migas – a favourite local dish made with olive oil and flour, and scatterings of chorizo and other treats. Bingo “with big prizes” provided spice.
Yesterday, there were board game competitions. An outdoor space was cleared to play caliche, which involves flowing metal discs at a single peg in the ground. A bouncy castle and snacks kept the children happy. There were prizes for the people who look after others throughout the year and another “grande baile” with Latin music and old time Spanish songs.
Today, the horses and carriages and all the villagers were out in the morning for the formal journey of a statue of The Virgin from a church a little distance away to the village itself. The image, garlanded with flowers, was carried on strong shoulders, with a band and everyone following behind in procession. Once The Virgin was safely installed in the hall, there were black puddings and soup with meatballs, followed by a giant paella for everyone. All free, of course.
Tonight the village beauty queen will be chosen, with singing and dancing, before The Virgin is taken back to the church. Celebrations will continue afterwards in the village and, of course, when it gets dark there will be fireworks.
We have to be sure not to lose our fiesta programme as it includes our numbers for the raffle draw on Christmas Eve – a “magnificent reserve-quality ham.”
©Phillip Bruce 2009