Sharon visited her rehabilitation consultant last week and received an unusual medical prescription – beach and tapas.
A year and a bit after her near-fatal stroke she has learned so much from her physiotherapy, and worked so hard, that the expert is opinion is that she doesn´t need any more instruction, just practice.
Walking and staying active is vital to her recovery and she can now walk 10 steps on her own with her crutch, although still a bit nervous about doing so. She can walk a lot farther with a helping hand. “It´s all about developing confidence,” said the consultant. “Practice, practice, practice.”
He is a great enthusiast for water therapy and said that she must take every opportunity she can to go swimming. Apparently, just walking in the water is also terrific exercise.
Soon, Sharon will have finished all her tablets and medications. “The only prescription I can give you now is Beach and Tapas,” said the doc.
Sharon said: “Now that´s what I call a sensible medical man.”
©Phillip Bruce 2009
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