Sharon finds walking with her crutch difficult because of her blindness. She has a tiny bit of peripheral vision in her left eye but absolutely no perception of depth. Things she can make out from the murk of the remnants of vision appear as if they are on a flat page.
A change of colour in the ground could represent a different bit of carpet or it could be a step downwards or something to trip over. Not surprisingly, this makes for big problems. With her left side badly affected by her stroke her balance is also uncertain when she walks with her crutch held in her right hand. The crutch only has a single point of contact with the ground.
Yesterday the kind people at the rehabilitation unit she attended for the first time gave her a four-footed stick and she is very happy to be trying this out. The four feet give much more stability, although the movements needed with this instead of the crutch are different and will take some time to master.
Four footed things are much more stable. When is the last time you saw an elephant fall over?
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