There are lots of lambs in the lower fields but up in the hills there are still mantles of snow.
Large parts of the Clatteringshaws loch are covered with sheets of ice.
The loch was created by damming the River Dee between 1932 and 1936 as part of the Galloway Hydro-Electric Scheme, which now belongs to the Spanish company Iberdrola through its Scottish Power subsidiary.
The River Dee carries a very ancient name. Daphne Brooke writes of times 2,000 years ago and more in her book “Wild Men and Holy Places”: “A strong local cult of a water deity is marked by the Latin name of the River Dee ('Dea' – Goddess).”
The Clatteringshaws Visitor Centre of the Galloway Forest Park opens tomorrow, as do those at Glentrool and Kirroughtree. For more info on the 300 square mile park see
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