Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Eggs for everyone

In Cartagena the Easter celebrations are now over but for the past week or so the midnight streets have been filled with solemn processions. These are a very important part of the culture of Cartagena and hundreds of people take part with thousands more crowding the streets to watch.

A special Easter pastry is baked which features an egg, complete with shell, on sweet pastry held in place by a pastry cross, known as a mona de pascua.

Sharon remembers that in Hong Kong more than two decades ago the prime activity at Easter was the big fair held by the Round Table in the centre of the city. There were stalls with all sorts of traditional things for the expatriate community, bric-a-brac, Punch and Judy shows, the Welsh Choir, raffles and music. The children loved it and the adults found sustenance in the beer garden.

Eggs are also an important part of Chinese culture. When our son, James, was born, red eggs were presented to us along with many congratulations. We had done very well and in traditional beliefs, sons are essential to pay respect to ancestors and to look after their parents in old age. When our daughter, Julia, was born, there were no red eggs. Poor girl.


©Phillip Bruce 2009.

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